Friday, September 25, 2009


I want this. I want this SOOO bad. But I know it would be completely impractical, even if I did have the room (which I most definitely do not) but it would be so cool. I can picture it as a funky enclosed bed, or maybe a shower stall. It’s in the free section of CraigsList, my favoritest place to shop. Of course, the poster warns that it is extremely heavy and suggests hiring a moving company to come get it. And it’s broken, so it doesn’t take pictures anymore. You can get such random weird stuff. In the past two weeks I’ve gotten eight empty plastic buckets that once held kitty litter, and a hard-sided pet carrier that should prove more durable than the soft one I use now. I like wondering what sort of person would own something like this, not only own it, but hold on to it until it stopped working, then offer it (for free) to the first person who came for it.
Edit: Gah, the stupid picture isn't loading... Curse this machine and all things modern. I will try to upload later. Here's the link incase I forget.

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